Free Open-Source Portfolio Template for Developersāš”šŸš€

Free Open-Source Portfolio Template for Developersāš”šŸš€


3 min read


Greetings, everyone! I'm thrilled to unveil my latest portfolio website, which leverages the power of Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion to create a captivating user experience. In this article, I'll showcase the website's exceptional performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO, all while achieving a perfect Lighthouse 100% score. Additionally, I'll provide the GitHub link, allowing you to explore and utilize this website freely. Let's delve into the exciting details of my portfolio website!


Optimizing website performance is crucial, and I'm delighted to share that my portfolio website excels in this aspect.

This screenshot showcases a snippet of my website's performance metrics from a Lighthouse report, demonstrating exceptional scores in performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO.


Ensuring that my portfolio website is accessible to all users is of utmost importance to me. By incorporating semantic HTML structure, alt text for images, and proper focus management, I've made the website inclusive and user-friendly.

            className="w-6 mx-3"
            whileHover={{ y: -2 }}
            whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }}
            aria-label="Checkout my github profile"

The above code highlights a section of my website's code, emphasizing the use of semantic HTML elements for accessibility purposes.

Best Practices

Maintaining clean and scalable code is essential for a sustainable website. Next.js's new app router simplifies the routing process, making navigation seamless and improving code maintainability. I've followed best practices throughout the project, including proper file structuring and utilizing the power of Tailwind CSS for consistent styling.

This screenshot showcases the file structure of my portfolio website, highlighting the organization and modular approach I've adopted.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

To enhance the website's visibility and reach a wider audience, I've incorporated effective SEO strategies. Next.js's server-side rendering allows search engines to crawl and index pages efficiently, while Tailwind CSS ensures the website follows responsive design principles.

export const metadata = {
  title: "Yaswanth Gosula - Home",
    "Explore Yaswanth Gosula's Next.js developer portfolio and discover the latest webapp projects and software engineering articles. Showcase your skills as a frontend developer and software engineer.",

This screenshot displays an example of optimized meta tags and structured data used in my portfolio website.

Get Involved

You can explore and utilize my portfolio website by visiting the GitHub Repository or visiting my live portfolio. Feel free to fork the project, customize it to suit your requirements, or use it as a foundation for your own portfolio. Contributions are highly appreciated, so feel free to submit pull requests for improvements or bug fixes to make the project even better.


I'm thrilled to introduce my portfolio website, powered by Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion. By leveraging these cutting-edge technologies, I've achieved a perfect Lighthouse 100% score, while providing a delightful user experience.

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